NKCx - Tissue sample follow_up after CIN2+ cell diagnosis

  No. of
Proportion (%)
followed up
with tissue sample
No. with
County women 2016 within 3 months within 1 year follow-up
Stockholm 1953 85 97 47
Uppsala 289 73 97 7
Södermanland 150 80 95 2
Östergötland 481 84 93 32
Jönköping 263 70 96 7
Kronoberg 166 59 93 4
Kalmar 314 86 99 3
Gotland 57 80 96 1
Blekinge 163 66 98 2
Halland 209 68 98 0
Skåne 1445 58 92 86
Västra Götaland 1835 49 96 38
Värmland 468 65 98 3
Örebro 266 55 97 4
Västmanland 182 78 99 1
Dalarna 199 76 95 6
Gävleborg 142 64 90 7
Västernorrland 229 52 98 1
Jämtland 174 21 99 1
Västerbotten 458 45 97 8
Norrbotten 203 78 99 2
Total 9646 66 96 262

CIN2+ Diagnose codes: M69719, M74007, M80009, M80702, M80703, M81403
Updated 24AUG2018 14:08:44