Swedish National Cervical Screening Registry_Analysis
Quality Indicators
Coverage per region
Coverage per Age class
Proportion of women eligible for invitation age:24-50
Proportion of women eligible for invitation age:51-70
Interpretation of reported diagnosis codes
Crossreference cytology-histopathology
Crossreference cytology-histopathology organized screening
Miscellaneous Quality Indicators
Diagnosis profile
For women
About us
Crossreference cytology-histopathology
Country Total
088 Region Stockholm
121 Uppsala
131 Sörmland
211 Östergötland
231 Jönköping
241 Kronoberg
251 Kalmar
271 Blekinge
421 Halland
501 Sahlgrenska
511 Trollhättan
521 Borås
531 Skövde
541 Värmland
551 Örebro
561 Västmanland
571 Dalarna
611 Gävleborg
621 Västernorrland
631 Jämtland
641 Västerbotten
651 Norrbotten
777 Skåne
Page updated 19Sept2024